Data driven decisions are the game changing opportunity to transform business profits.
Mckinsey & Company.
However, for data driven decision making. Raw Export Import data is not the right option.

Discover the 7 Common Problems Exporters Face Due to Raw Data

Problem 1 :
95% business, rely on occasional adhoc analysis from Bulky Raw data never can provide an actionable direction for growth every month.
InfodriveIndia Dashboard turns raw export import data into a gold mine.

Problem 2 :
91% business owners fail to align key stake holders due to Raw data.
InfodriveIndia Dashboard with ready to use actionable direction makes data driven decision making fun for all.

Problem 3 :
91% business owners fail to find an ideal product, buyer, supplier and market.
InfodriveIndia Analytics can help you choose the best ones who offer high profits margins and growth.

Problem 4 :
53% of Businesses fail to set the right pricing.
InfoDriveIndia Price Band analysis helps you discover pricing and product quality exactly where the market wants!

Problem 5 :
31% fail to optimize import Duties and export benefits!
InfodriveIndia Duty and Export Benefits Analysis can get you higher export benefits and save on duty.

Problem 6 :
39% fail to judge the demand!
InfodriveIndia Dashboard helps to discover precise demand trends that will create a faster moving inventory!

Problem 7 :
69% fail to diversify into new products and are stuck with low margin product.
InfodriveIndia Reports and Dashboard help to explore new products with better nargins and growth!

Bonus Strategy :
95% fail to learn from successful exporters, though there is a huge wealth of time tested and proven strategies available for cherry picking.
The key to success is transition from Raw Bulky Data to Dashboard Reports which transform Raw Data into actionable insight to make data driven decisions stuck with low margin product.
Visual reports and dashboards helps you to undertstand and take action, while working with Bulky Raw data can suck up days of time without leading to any conclusions.
InfodriveIndia analytics revolutionizes the way you look at informtion.