Eximguru.com is our endeavor to help the exim community. Our founder Mr Raakesh Saraff founded Eximguru.com (then called InfodriveIndia.com) a free online exim encyclopedia and online Export Import Data bank way back in 1996. He digitized entire Indian exim laws, custom duties, notifications, HS codes, exim policy, duty drawback, EPB, rules, regulations, guides,data, statistics using appropriate hi tech technologies not in vogue at that time, and first time in history of Indian exim trade, entire information was made accessible to the global audience free of cost. Everyday more than 20,000 visitors are able to access the required information on Indian International Trade on Eximguru.com. Eximguru.com is updated regularly and is managed by a group of professionals. Infodriveindia sponsors the cost of management of infodriveIndia.com as part of its corporate social responsibility and vision of InfodriveIndia.

Buddy's Club
Buddy’s Club is the brainchild of our founder Mr Raakesh Saraff, and is entirely managed and funded by InfodriveIndia. We undertake fellowship, training, assistance social projects and charity under the banner of this club. Glimpses of distribution of warm clothing and blankets to the poor in winters by Infodrivians.